Friday, January 06, 2006

Stereotypy, Ad Nauseum. . .

It's not very surprising and a bit horrifying that screaming incompetance and idiocy is a worldwide trend.

Scenario #1:
The holidays are over, and I FINALLY got my last Christmas package sent off yesterday. Why so late, you may ask? Because a package I sent out on the smegging 20th of December was returned to me by Canada Post for being 'improperly addressed'. What kind of grievous mistake did I commit? Did I leave out the postal code? No. Did I screw up the street address? No. Canada Post requires all items inbound from the United States to be printed in capital letters. In my apparent haste, amongst the capitals, I inserted a lowercase 'h'.
Example: SMITh

We're not exactly talking about a quantum leap of understanding, here.

Scenario #2:
Though I'm loath to admit it, I found myself watching one of those 'amazing video' shows last night. One of the clips was from an Austrailian children's show, the title of which was never given. The star, however, was one of those big, floppy monster-like creatures portrayed by a man who should have listened to his high school guidance counselors before choosing educational and career paths. An animal trainer was a guest, and he brought a (naturally) kangaroo.
Now, for those of you who have never had the opportunity to see a kangaroo outside of your local zoo, they are cute, yes, but also EXTREMELY strong and HORRIFYINGLY fierce when they feel threatened.

Enter the actor in the big, orange, floppy suit.

Within seconds of his walking on stage, the man in the costume found himself ON THE FLOOR IN A VISE-LIKE HEADLOCK, FIGHTING FOR AIR. The cute little kangaroo made it perfectly clear that he did not like the guy in the monster suit; so much that two people had to pull her off of him.

What does he do once he gets back on his feet? HE WALKS OVER TO THE KANGAROO AGAIN!! Of course, the animal reiterates her earlier editorial act and attempts to rip the costume head off while kicking the man severely in the groin and midsection.
Geeze. Where were the 'Darwin Award' people for this guy?

There we go. Two examples out of twenty this week that just make me wish there were colonies in Antarctica to ship people to.

More to come. . .

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